Things to Know about Company Accounts

In case you're simply beginning, or have been doing business but you don't have any financial background and don't have any idea that how to file company accounts or get in touch with HMRC, at that point understanding your company accounts may appear to be fairly overwhelming. There are various segments, a great deal of money related phrasing and as though that wasn't sufficient there are a lot of notes toward the end as well.

It's not amazing that your accounts can appear to be a world away from the coal face errands of overseeing clients and making deals. Here's the rub, the accounts are a window into how well your business is performing at a given time. 

What are a company's annual accounts?

Company accounts are an overall statement of a company's financial activity over the whole year. They are ready for HM Revenue & Customs and Companies House each year. It includes the Balance Sheet, the Cash Flow Statement and the Profit and Loss Statement.

  • The Balance Sheet is a financial statement that provides an overall snapshot insight into your company's expense, liabilities and the shareholders’ property at a particular position in terms
  • The Profit and Loss Statement is different from the balance sheet because it reports the whole year performance of your limited company instead of giving a snapshot. In the Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement, you will find the total income and total costs of the business during the fiscal year.
  • The Cash Flow Statement is the movement of business cash in and out of over the whole fiscal year. Cash flow terms as the amount of money that comes in and out during a period.


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